Wednesday, February 1, 2012

One definition of the word “peace” is “to set at one again.” When you are a peacemaker, you are bringing unity into your relationships. And this is so important because we have an enemy who is after this generation. He wants to target our families and relationships and bring division. Notice that when you look at the word “division”, you see “di” which means two and “vision.” Two visions. When two people disagree, it’s because they have two different visions over something. And I know that you aren’t going to agree with everyone all the time, but if you stay focused on your differences, eventually there is going to be division. However, if you change your focus and look for the common ground of peace, you can bring harmony into your relationships again.

Remember, the Bible tells us that blessed are the peacemakers. When we dwell together in unity, we honor God and open the door for His hand of blessing in every area of our lives!

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